
Hello my beautiful people. So today I’m posting a little late because I had some business to take care of but im super stoked to write this post and I hope you like it. Thank you in advance for reading 🙂

I’ve been in a relationship for the past couple months, even though I swore to myself that I would be single for my 21st birthday (March 15th). Now, why am I telling you this? Because I want to talk about how undeserving I am to have someone give me so much love and respect as this man does.We got together on february 23rd-24th, the reason I put both dates is because we had dinner together the night of the 23rd but it took him FOREVER to finally talk to me and he asked me to be his girlfriend around 11pm going on 12am. Since then we have been inseparable, we go to dinner, the store, the mall and everything in between together. Not even a month later was my birthday and the weekend I had already planned to go to Vegas. The only thing is I hadn’t gotten a room yet because I wasnt sure yet exactly who was going, until he came around. I didn’t care who else went anymore as long as I had him by my side that’s all that mattered to me. He went out of his way to book a room for us and he made sure I had fun that whole weekend (which BTW I absolutely did!).

Now let me tell you I happen to be one tough cookie, ive been through things that a 21-year-old shouldnt have gone through. I fell in love in high school and thought I had it all, but went and messed it up and broke that relationship off to be with someone who in the end started to abuse me, physically and mentally. I’ve been unfaithful a time or two, but I was young and reckless and not to mention in high school. After high school was over I thought I knew everything, I got accepted to two different schools and decided not to continue with school and just keep on my grind at work. Let me just tell you that was the worst mistake of my life, I got involved with some bad people and now its just a memory that I wish I could erase. Now on to falling in love once more, I was in a vulnerable state but when I met this guy I had fallen in love with he never once thought about taking advantage of the fact that I was vulnerable. He took my vulnerability and turned it into strength, turned my strength into passion, and my passion into love. He created a woman who learned to love again after being beaten and abused the way I had been. I never wanted to let that love go, but jealousy and insecurity overcame his heart and we in turn separated. I was devastated, vulnerable once more and turned to a rebound who I quickly grew tired of. Continuing on with life to the point I’m at now, 21 and in love once again.

Now, I know a lot of you will say ‘how can you say you’re in love? you’ve only been together a few months.’ and my answer: ‘LOVE HAS NO TIME LIMIT. LOVE HAS NO LIMITS AT ALL.’ IMG_3838

Just recently we got into an argument over something stupid, and I will admit that I was the one who started it. I was getting mad at him over the fact that he took too long to come to my house from his. The thing is I pay attention to detail and I know how long it takes to get from my house to his and vice versa. So he took 10 minutes longer than the allotted time and I got mad about it. I started to question him and my trust in him, but after everything I learned that I need to completely let go of my past. My past has always haunted me, I always look back at things in my past and worry that they’ll happen again. Which im confident that they wont because I’ve already built up my knowledge of these things enough to know when it’s happening. So why still worry? Why still question? I’m insecure and I know it, I hate it and its a work in progress to become confident in myself. Now, the reason I posted the above image is because I look back to this text from him to reassure myself that he truly does love me. Thus, the reason for the title of this post because I feel like I don’t deserve this I feel like I have done nothing to get this lucky. I’ve done so many terrible things in my life that I never thought something like this was possible for me. Now I have it and I will never, EVER let this go.


Author: livelivelyweb

21 and looking for balance

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